Amino 80


Composition and wealth warranties

Makes bio-stimulating-based free amino acids of plant origin, easily assimilated by the plant. For foliar application and fertirrigation. 

Amino 80® is a powerful and makes bio-stimulating, with 80 % of free amino acids for foliar application and fertirrigation. It is also a source of organic nitrogen, which stimulates photosynthesis and speeds, thus, the process of thrust and vegetative development. It is specially recommended before and during bud break as it promotes the growth of roots, the absorption and transport of nutrients, increases the strength and improves the resistance against diseases.

The application of Amino 80® is recommended during periods of climatic stress and physiological (transplantation, budding, diseases, phytotoxicity.. ), during which the plant is in need of nutrient intakes to provide additional continuity of vegetative development.

Dose and mode of employment

Thanks to its character makes bio-stimulating,powerful, Amino 80® can be used throughout the vegetative cycle of the plant, on any type of culture.

Foliar Application : 150 to 200 g/ 100l water 

Fertirrigation : 2 to 3 kg/ ha/ application


Amino 80® is compatible with most pesticides and fertilizers, it even strengthens the activity of these products. However, it should not be mixed with mineral oils, or alkaline products or copper. In case of doubt, it is recommended to perform a test prior.
